Terms and Conditions
Upon accepting an order from TASCO Engineering, supplier agrees to the following terms and conditions:
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Order Placement
Supplier must receive a written purchase order from TASCO Engineering before processing any order.
Supplier to acknowledge receipt of order in a timely manner
Supplier to reply with order confirmation that at a minimum includes:
Delivery Date
Shipping Method
Supplier to provide exact product specified on the purchase order. No equivalents will be accepted unless authorized by TASCO Engineering
Counterfeit Parts​​
No counterfeit parts, as defined herein, shall be used in parts supplied to TASCO Engineering. Definition: A) “Counterfeit Part”: A part that is a copy or substitute without legal right or authority to do so or one whose material, performance, or characteristics are knowingly misrepresented by a supplier at any level in the supply chain. Examples of counterfeit parts may include, but are not limited to:
1) Parts which do not contain the proper internal construction (Die, Manufacturer, Wire Bonding, etc.) consistent with the ordered part;
2) Parts which have been used, refurbished, or reclaimed, but represented as new product;
3) Parts which have a different package style or surface plating/finish than the ordered parts;
4) Parts which have not successfully completed the OEM’s full production and test flow, but are not represented as completed product;
5) Parts sold as upscreened parts, which have not successfully completed upscreening; or,
6) Parts sold with modified labeling or markings intended to misrepresent the part’s form, fit, function, grade, or manufacturing date.
B) “Part”: The lowest level of separately identifiable items (e.g. piece parts)
DFARS Compliance
All Specialty Metal items must comply with DFARS 252.225-7000-7009
All shipments are to be sent to:
TASCO Engineering
490 Somerset Ave.
North Dighton, MA 02764
Shipments are to be made using TASCOs Preferred shipping method:
UPS Ground for shipments under 60 lbs.
UPS Freight for larger shipments over 60 lbs.
Alternative shipping methods must be approved by TASCO Engineering.
Shipments are to be made using TASCOs UPS account number unless otherwise authorized by TASCO Engineering. Contact Dave Bodge for these account numbers.
Shipping upgrades must be approved by TASCO Engineering (Next Day Air, 2nd Day, etc.). Unauthorized additional shipping charges will be deducted from suppliers invoice of that product.
TASCO allows delivery 5 days early, and zero days late to the date specified on the purchase order.
TASCO accepts deliveries of exact quantities only, unless otherwise authorized by TASCO Engineering.​​
A packing slip must accompany the shipment, and contain the following details at a minimum:
Your company name
PO Number​
Part Number
Product must be properly labeled with:​
Part Number
Copies of the products certifications must accompany every shipment
Return Policy
TASCO has the right to return any product that does not meet the appropriate specifications at the suppliers expense.
TASCO has the right to return any over-shipments at the suppliers expense.
TASCO has the right to return any damaged product at the suppliers expense. Supplier is expected to replace damaged parts in a timely manner.
All invoices sent by mail must go to:​​​​​​
TASCO Engineering
PO Box 198
North Dighton, MA 02764
All invoices sent by e-mail must be sent to: jennifer@tasco-eng.com
Payment terms are Net 30, unless previously agreed upon with TASCO purchasing. Credit references are available if required.
All invoices must specify at a minimum:
Company Name​
Remittance Address
PO number for purchased item
Total Amount Due
For billing inquiries please contact: Jennifer@tasco-eng.com
Records Retention
Supplier must retain details of each shipment for a minimum of 7 years. These details must include:
Copy of Purchase Order​
Copy of Packing Slip
Copy of Certifications
TASCO has the right to request copies of these certifications at any time in this 7 year window.
This requirement is required for suppliers who provide TASCO with:
Raw Materials
Plating (chromate, passivate, zinc, anodize, etc.)
Heat Treating
Calibration Services
Paint Suppliers
Confidentiality Agreement
TASCO Engineering recognizes the importance of information security and believes it is essential for internal effectiveness, to ensure customer confidence and maintain trust. We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of secure information, through the implementation and continual improvement of our ISMS in accordance to the controls specified by ISO 27001.
TASCO Engineering takes our privacy very seriously. Suppliers must accept the following guidelines:
When applicable, TASCO may ask your business to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in order to preserve the privacy of our information.
Agree not to share any company information with any individual outside of your business and/or employees not qualified to be exposed to it.
Agree to take appropriate measures to safeguard any information you hold that deals with TASCO Engineering.
Report to TASCO Engineering immediately if any of its information was taken maliciously.
Last Update: 10/25/2019 (updated Quality portion of T&C)